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Face Of Universe

The principle of our ecosystem was born from the nuclear fusion energy of the sun. At the beginning of the earth's birth, atmosphere contained a lot of carbon dioxide and nitrogen and was high Temperature.After that, over hundreds of millions of years, earth's surface cooled, and the water vapor turned into rain and fell on the earth's surface, forming the sea. About 4 billion years ago, plants were born in the sea.Long after that, our human civilization formed urban. There are several papers, through NASA's observation that plants on Earth are increasing as plants that require carbon dioxide absorb carbon dioxide emitted by humans. Here we can find principles and tips for how Urban city and ecosystems can coexist.

The wild flowers that coexist in the Urban are part of the history of the ecosystem born from the nuclear fusion energy of the sun, and may be the "face of the universe.

Technology and Nature”
The development of human science and technology, which we call artifacts, affects our view of the universe.Today, we imagine a different universe and civilization from 100 years ago.The shape of Seoul's flowers is reproduced with an algorithm, and the images and music are generated by artificial intelligence simulation. Flowers are part of the Earth's ecosystem of solar origin and are able to absorb matter expelled by humans and work as part of their ecology.
In this Installation work “Face of Universe”,these Visual and music by are generated by music, algorithmic analysis, and A.I. systems.​​​

The birth of the Earth's ecosystem was born from the nuclear fusion energy of the sun.Since then, most of the matter has been preserved on Earth. The ecosystem is maintained by Self-Organization energy that resists entropy, the energy that disperses chaotically. In other words, a huge amount of energy is required to maintain flowers, plants, and ecosystems.On the other hand, the development of technology such as A.I. is progressing rapidly and requires a huge amount of energy. To maintain the ecosystem, innovation in energy technology such as nuclear fusion technology is also required. Remembering the long history of ecosystems and humans, we need a balance of energy generated by nature and science.


Visualization of geometric abstract music



An attempt to realize the perception of music through non-auditory sense. It is achieved by extracting and visualizing To extract “geometric structure” of music, which is as an essential element in perception of music and is a manifestation of sound, aone physical phenomenon and visualize with new technology. This will extend which the understanding, perception of music beyond the auditory sense.


 Music and Physics and Perception 

When the sound property inherent in physical phenomena as sound waves is perceived by the human organ, its inherent physical property is detected by human organ and constructed as music through will be constructed in the human body by sensory, cognitive, and or the like thinking process.Although Sound itself has a property and is an activeis nature, it is a medium that active, but it alone is not a music itself. Sound is perceived, sensed and thought about by in a the body as passive medium and, it is integrated with a passive medium as sensory, cognitive, thinking by the active energy, and then it becomes music.Music and is the dramaturgyt of the body caused by the nature of the sound wave. Music Composition and is a blueprint for the dramaturgy of the body.


 Music form and Universe

Entity of the Sound is elastic wave which, transmitster of energy of vibration. When that caused the body's dramaturgy,

For example, the conductor, move her hand from high up in the air when conducting in the case such as high-frequency instrument such as flute or, violin. She will move her hand from lower position when conducting low frequency instrument such as, will put hands in the high position at space. And low-frequency cello or, double bass, hands at the low position.

For each section of the notation of the orchestra, from the top there is a custom to write from high frequency instrument at the top and lower one nextin order. In other words, frequency of the sound, which is related to the number of waves arriving at you per unit time, isoriginaly the high and low of the frequency of the sound is the quantity of the wave, but tied to the space (high and low) by the human brain and body. will tie that to spatial recognition.

Similarly, at the same volume, high sound is perceived thinnarrow and , low sound is torecognizeperceived as thick. When theThat's a form of sound waveform is gentle, it is perceived as hear the gentle sound, iIf the form has spikesis angular, it is perceived as sharp sound. The sound itself has properties and elements that can be replaced bywith other media. Its elements, the pitch (frequency), the quality of the sound (tone), structure and form (elapsed time) is what can be referred to as "geometric structure" of the music that I say.


 Transform to Visual 

I believe tThe sound, which is an elastic wave, spreading radially is , at the time of replaced by different spatial perception at the time of perception and , recognition. , can be replaced with a different spatial perception and I think.

It is in general may beight have been said that referred as synesthesia. That is, human being unconsciously binds the nature of the hearing media with the visual media unconsciously. Significance I, fiound in the visualization of sound, is revealing even a glimpse of principles of the universe by how different media are linking the nature of each other different media, make us able to glimpse some of the principles of the universe. The fact that the "geometric structure" of the sound can have strong iInfluence strongly on the human beings i.e. , that is, can make thecausing dramaturgy of body, is a hint to understand essence of the music. By seeking Like this, when we think from a new point of view to study music, I strive to believe that we can get the essential recognition and understand ing the essence of music and deeplyprinciple of how one perceives music.

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