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By studying 600 years of Music history that spans from Middle Age to Contemporary, I have extracted some “geometric structure” which constitutes fundamental elements of music. Those musical elements are essential for the innovations in musical structures. Trans-Ages-Music is a method in which those musical elements are reconstructed into “meta-style” while maintaining music temperaments and achieve maximum contrast and dramaturgy.


 The history of music 

The history of music began by the notation, as the medieval neumatic notation and followed by the score as standard notation. By this epoch-making notation, the composer and the music critic were able to think about the music theoretically and mathematically, and then music theory was developed greatly. Through this, many composers became aware of aesthetic nature of the theoretical and mathematical form of music. For example, the music by J.S.Bach, Beethoven, Wagner and Schönberg, has a mathematical form that is based on their aesthetics senses. That mathematical form is what I call "geometric structure". They will be a big hint of finding the physical nature in the perceptual, artistic experience of human.

 The history of sound 

Monophony as the medieval Gregorian chant evolved into Polyphony. In addition, we continued to evolve Polyphony into Harmony by Modal and Tonality. The history of the further development of sound as Chromatic scale, Tristan chord i.e. Half-diminished seventh chord, Atonal, 12-tone, Serial, New Complexity and Noise, can be seen as a process of " evolution of the complexity of music". However, I believe they are the "evolution of the type of sound" that has been extended along with the history of music rather than "the evolution of the complexity of music". For the sake of simplicity, let us say that one sound, a single melody with only one frequency is 1 point, and white noise, a melody of sounds equally distributed in all frequency is 100 points. Broadly speaking, the history of music was a process of the expansion that has increased the type of sound from 1 point to 100 points. I do not believe that the sound of 1 point is significantly different from the sound of 100 points as the type of sound. When we study the history of music, we find that all of the sound has no meaning by itself, and obtain the meaning in relation to the other sound. All types of sound of from 1 point to 100 points are the elements that are required equally for Trans- Ages-Music.



The essential beauty of music is brought about by a variation of sound. The discovery and development of the format and wording is closely related to the contrast of the variation of sound. The sujet and the response of the fugue, also the first subject and the second subject of the sonata form is the technique to amplify the contrast. For example, the harmonic structures of baroque and classical are constituted by limited three tones on the tonality structure. In this case, the contrast is the variation of chord itself. On the other hand, when the combinations of tones are more complex as Atonal, 12-tone, Serial and Noise, the variation of sound alone cannot make significant contrast. In order to create dramaturgy and contrast of the music, we should use the variety of composer styles that has been extended in the period from the Middle Age to Contemporary. This variety of composer styles is the core of the evolution of music that has been developed in sync with the expansion of sound from 1 point to 100 points.


 Geometric structure 

As the major music elements that led to the innovation of music structures, what we should extract from the variety of sound of 1 point ~ 100 points? That is the "geometric structure". I found the aesthetics of “geometric structure” in historical musical works. The human perception of sound, one physical phenomenon, influences human being and the “geometric structure” is a fundamental pillar that allows us to understand the true nature of the universe. Creating a way to experience even a part of the nature of the universe through sound is my idea of the ultimate artistic work.


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